Montreal 2012 logo
July 22-27 juillet 2012
Centre Mont-Royal
Montréal, Québec, Canada
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Sounds of North: Two Centuries of Canadian Piano Music

Portrait de joseph.hafner
mar, 07/24/2012 - 08:24 -- joseph.hafner

A new recording has just been released as a special way an homage to Helmut Kallmann

The recording is "Sounds of North: Two Centuries of Canadian Piano Music", which is a 4 CD box-set.

This is really a milestone in Canadian music! Over 90 Canadian compositions for the first time ever on record.

The pianist, Elaine Keillor, a long time colleague of Dr. Kallmann, said this about the recording:

“We dedicate Sounds of North to the memory of Dr. Helmut Kallmann (1922-2012). This set of recordings featuring Canadian piano music from 1807 to the present would not have happened without the years of research done by Dr. Helmut Kallmann, the first major historian of musical culture in Canada. Dr. Kallmann, principal editor of the Encyclopedia of Music in Canada, was for over two decades the guiding spirit of the Canadian Musical Heritage Society. The volume 22, Piano Music III, edited by Kallmann, was the resource used for many of the compositions performed in Sounds of North. ’’
(Elaine Keillor, 2012)

Please visit the Gala Records table in the exhibits for more information.
