Montreal 2012 logo
July 22-27 juillet 2012
Centre Mont-Royal
Montréal, Québec, Canada
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joseph.hafner's picture

Exhibitor Manual revised

Mon, 06/11/2012 - 10:52 -- joseph.hafner

There were a couple of updates to the Exhibitor Manual, so we've uploaded a new version. This includes a new date for shipping materials for the exhibits-- July 17, unstead of the May 28th date that was listed. The numbering for the tables has been updated, because the numbers weren't all clear earlier. If you have any questions about these updates, please let me know.

Here's the link to the new manual on the sponsors page under Exhibitor Manual:


joseph.hafner's picture

Registration for Exhibitors is a Success

Thu, 05/31/2012 - 21:03 -- joseph.hafner

We are pleased to announce that we have reached 30 exhibitor tables, which is our maximum number of exhibitors. Thanks to our exhibitors for this positive response. We can no longer take registrations for exhibitors, but continue to accept sponsors. If you have any questions, please contact Joseph Hafner.

To see the list of exhibitors and sponsors

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