Montreal 2012 logo
July 22-27 juillet 2012
Centre Mont-Royal
Montréal, Québec, Canada
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Tours and Banquet Update

joseph.hafner's picture
Wed, 05/16/2012 - 16:20 -- joseph.hafner

For the Wednesday afternoon tours
-1 tour still has space: Montreal's Multicultural City Tour
-1 tour is almost full: Stepping Back Through Time - Walking Tour of Old Montreal
-2 tours are full: The Classic - Bonjour Montreal City Tour and the Organ crawl...

For the Tuesday tour, Green Montreal: Biodome & Botanical Gardens, we haven't had enough response to rent a bus for this event. We will contact the people who did register. We can try instead to have a less formal tour taking a group by the Metro there and doing it without a tour guide, if there is interest in this for the accompanying persons. Watch for more information.

The Banquet is almost full, with only about 5 places left on the bus. We can take names for a waiting list, if you do not get registered in time to see what is possible. Email me if you want to be on the waiting list.

The registration website has the latest version of what is still available and what is fully booked. If you have any questions, please let us know.