Montreal 2012 logo
July 22-27 juillet 2012
Centre Mont-Royal
Montréal, Québec, Canada
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Portrait de joseph.hafner

Entertainment options in Montréal

sam, 07/14/2012 - 10:46 -- joseph.hafner

Even though every night of the conference offers a concert or reception, some IAML attendees may be looking for more entertainment options! Here are a few suggestions:

Just for Laughs:

In town there is the Just for Laughs comedy festival which takes place mainly around St. Denis/De Maisonneuve (the “Quartier latin”). One of the festival's musical events that might be fun is "Chantons sous la pluie" - a French stage adaptation of "Singing in the Rain".

Portrait de joseph.hafner

One week to go!

ven, 07/13/2012 - 06:38 -- joseph.hafner

A few updates

Conference program booklet as a PDF:

The conference program booklet is now available as a PDF (14 MB) on the website. For anyone who said they just wanted to have the PDF online, this is the place to access the program. For all versions of the program, click here.

(Click "Read more" ou "Lire plus" for the full article)

Portrait de joseph.hafner

Swimming in Montréal

jeu, 07/12/2012 - 16:15 -- joseph.hafner

Question: Where can I go swimming in downtown Montréal?

If you stay at the Holiday Inn, you can swim there.

If you are at the McGill residences or the Best Western, here are some choices:

McGill’s athletic facilities

Guest/day passes are available for $11.30 per day. The website says,

Portrait de joseph.hafner

July 7th update

sam, 07/07/2012 - 12:22 -- joseph.hafner

Two weeks to go!

Just two more weeks left before the conference! We are looking forward to seeing all of you in Montréal!


Registration continues to go well for IAML 2012. We have over 300 participants registered now (all types). Online registration will end on July 15, so if you still need to register, please do so today!

Banquet tickets:

There are a couple of more banquet tickets left, but act soon to purchase them. (Click "Read more" ou "Lire plus" for the full article)



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